Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Rdd vs Dataset vs Dataframe
A Tale of Three Apache Spark APIs: RDDs
vs DataFrames and Datasets
When to use them and
Of all the developers’ delight, none is more attractive than a
set of APIs that make developers productive, that is easy to use, and that is
intuitive and expressive. One of Apache Spark’s appeal to developers has been
its easy-to-use APIs, for operating on large datasets,
across languages: Scala, Java, Python, and R.
In this blog, I explore three sets of APIs—RDDs, DataFrames, and
Datasets—available in Apache
Spark 2.2 and beyond; why and when you should use each set; outline
their performance and optimization benefits; and enumerate scenarios when to use
DataFrames and Datasets instead of RDDs. Mostly, I will focus on DataFrames and
Datasets, because in Apache
Spark 2.0, these two APIs are unified.
Our primary motivation behind this unification is our quest to
simplify Spark by limiting the number of concepts that you have to learn and by
offering ways to process structured data. And through structure, Spark can
offer higher-level abstraction and APIs as domain-specific language constructs.
Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
RDD was the primary user-facing API in Spark since its
inception. At the core, an RDD is an immutable distributed collection of
elements of your data, partitioned across nodes in your cluster that can be
operated in parallel with a low-level API that offers transformations and actions.
When to use RDDs?
Consider these scenarios or common use cases for using RDDs
- you
want low-level transformation and actions and control on your dataset;
- your
data is unstructured, such as media streams or streams of text;
- you
want to manipulate your data with functional programming constructs than
domain specific expressions;
- you
don’t care about imposing a schema, such as columnar format, while
processing or accessing data attributes by name or column; and
- you
can forgo some optimization and performance benefits available with
DataFrames and Datasets for structured and semi-structured data.
What happens to RDDs in
Apache Spark 2.0?
You may ask: Are RDDs being relegated as second class citizens?
Are they being deprecated?
The answer is a resounding NO!
What’s more, as you will note below, you can seamlessly move
between DataFrame or Dataset and RDDs at will—by simple API method calls—and
DataFrames and Datasets are built on top of RDDs.
Like an RDD, a DataFrame is an immutable distributed collection
of data. Unlike an RDD, data is organized into named columns, like a table in a
relational database. Designed to make large data sets processing even easier,
DataFrame allows developers to impose a structure onto a distributed collection
of data, allowing higher-level abstraction; it provides a domain specific
language API to manipulate your distributed data; and makes Spark accessible to
a wider audience, beyond specialized data engineers.
In our preview of Apache Spark 2.0 webinar and subsequent
blog, we mentioned that in Spark 2.0, DataFrame APIs will merge
with Datasets APIs,
unifying data processing capabilities across libraries. Because of this
unification, developers now have fewer concepts to learn or remember, and work
with a single high-level and type-safe API called Dataset.
Starting in Spark 2.0, Dataset takes on two distinct APIs characteristics:
a strongly-typed API
and an untyped API,
as shown in the table below. Conceptually, consider DataFrame as an alias for a
collection of generic objects Dataset[Row],
where a Row is
a generic untyped JVM
object. Dataset, by contrast, is a collection of strongly-typed JVM
objects, dictated by a case class you define in Scala or a class in Java.
Typed and Un-typed APIs
Language |
Main Abstraction |
Scala |
Dataset[T] & DataFrame (alias for
Dataset[Row]) |
Java |
Dataset[T] |
Python* |
DataFrame |
R* |
DataFrame |
Note: Since
Python and R have no compile-time type-safety, we only have untyped APIs,
namely DataFrames.
Benefits of Dataset APIs
As a Spark developer, you benefit with the DataFrame and Dataset
unified APIs in Spark 2.0 in a number of ways.
1. Static-typing and
runtime type-safety
Consider static-typing and runtime safety as a spectrum, with
SQL least restrictive to Dataset most restrictive. For instance, in your Spark
SQL string queries, you won’t know a syntax error until
runtime (which could be costly), whereas in DataFrames and Datasets you can
catch errors at compile time (which saves developer-time and costs). That is,
if you invoke a function in DataFrame that is not part of the API, the compiler
will catch it. However, it won’t detect a non-existing column name until
At the far end of the spectrum is Dataset, most restrictive.
Since Dataset APIs are all expressed as lambda functions and JVM typed objects,
any mismatch of typed-parameters will be detected at compile time. Also, your
analysis error can be detected at compile time too, when using Datasets, hence
saving developer-time and costs.
All this translates to is a spectrum of type-safety along syntax
and analysis error in your Spark code, with Datasets as most restrictive yet
productive for a developer.
2. High-level abstraction
and custom view into structured and semi-structured data
DataFrames as a collection of Datasets[Row] render a structured
custom view into your semi-structured data. For instance, let’s say, you have a
huge IoT device event dataset, expressed as JSON. Since JSON is a
semi-structured format, it lends itself well to employing Dataset as a
collection of strongly typed-specific Dataset[DeviceIoTData].
{"device_id": 198164, "device_name": "sensor-pad-198164owomcJZ", "ip": "", "cca2": "PL", "cca3": "POL", "cn": "Poland", "latitude": 53.080000, "longitude": 18.620000, "scale": "Celsius", "temp": 21, "humidity": 65, "battery_level": 8, "c02_level": 1408, "lcd": "red", "timestamp" :1458081226051}
You could express each JSON entry as DeviceIoTData, a
custom object, with a Scala case class.
case class DeviceIoTData (battery_level: Long, c02_level: Long, cca2: String, cca3: String, cn: String, device_id: Long, device_name: String, humidity: Long, ip: String, latitude: Double, lcd: String, longitude: Double, scale:String, temp: Long, timestamp: Long)
Next, we can read the data from a JSON file.
// read the json file and create the dataset from the
// case class DeviceIoTData
// ds is now a collection of JVM Scala objects DeviceIoTData
val ds =“/databricks-public-datasets/data/iot/iot_devices.json”).as[DeviceIoTData]
Three things happen here under the hood in the code above:
1. Spark
reads the JSON, infers the schema, and creates a collection of DataFrames.
2. At
this point, Spark converts your data into DataFrame = Dataset[Row], a collection of
generic Row object, since it does not know the exact type.
3. Now,
Spark converts the Dataset[Row]
-> Dataset[DeviceIoTData] type-specific Scala
JVM object, as dictated by the class DeviceIoTData.
Most of us have who work with structured data are accustomed to
viewing and processing data in either columnar manner or accessing specific
attributes within an object. With Dataset as a collection of Dataset[ElementType] typed objects,
you seamlessly get both compile-time safety and custom view for strongly-typed
JVM objects. And your resulting strongly-typed Dataset[T] from
above code can be easily displayed or processed with high-level methods.
3. Ease-of-use of APIs with
Although structure may limit control in what your Spark program
can do with data, it introduces rich semantics and an easy set of domain specific
operations that can be expressed as high-level constructs. Most computations,
however, can be accomplished with Dataset’s high-level APIs. For example, it’s
much simpler to perform agg
, select
, sum
, avg
, map
, filter
or groupBy
operations by accessing
a Dataset typed object’s DeviceIoTData than
using RDD rows’ data fields.
Expressing your computation in a domain specific API is far
simpler and easier than with relation algebra type expressions (in RDDs). For
instance, the code below will filter() and
another immutable Dataset.
// Use filter(), map(), groupBy() country, and compute avg()
// for temperatures and humidity. This operation results in
// another immutable Dataset. The query is simpler to read,
// and expressive
val dsAvgTmp = ds.filter(d => {d.temp > 25}).map(d => (d.temp, d.humidity, d.cca3)).groupBy($"_3").avg()
//display the resulting dataset
4. Performance and
Along with all the above benefits, you cannot overlook the space
efficiency and performance gains in using DataFrames and Dataset APIs for two
First, because DataFrame and Dataset APIs are built on top of
the Spark SQL engine, it uses Catalyst to generate an optimized logical and
physical query plan. Across R, Java, Scala, or Python DataFrame/Dataset APIs,
all relation type queries undergo the same code optimizer, providing the space
and speed efficiency. Whereas the Dataset[T] typed
API is optimized for data engineering tasks, the untyped Dataset[Row] (an
alias of DataFrame) is even faster and suitable for interactive analysis.
Second, since Spark as
a compiler understands your Dataset type JVM object, it maps your
type-specific JVM object to Tungsten’s
internal memory representation using Encoders.
As a result, Tungsten Encoders can efficiently serialize/deserialize JVM
objects as well as generate compact bytecode that can execute at superior
When should I use
DataFrames or Datasets?
- If
you want rich semantics, high-level abstractions, and domain specific
APIs, use DataFrame or Dataset.
- If
your processing demands high-level expressions, filters, maps,
aggregation, averages, sum, SQL queries, columnar access and use of lambda
functions on semi-structured data, use DataFrame or Dataset.
- If
you want higher degree of type-safety at compile time, want typed JVM
objects, take advantage of Catalyst optimization, and benefit from
Tungsten’s efficient code generation, use Dataset.
- If
you want unification and simplification of APIs across Spark Libraries,
use DataFrame or Dataset.
- If
you are a R user, use DataFrames.
- If
you are a Python user, use DataFrames and resort back to RDDs if you need
more control.
Note that you can always seamlessly interoperate or convert from
DataFrame and/or Dataset to an RDD, by simple method call .rdd
For instance,
// select specific fields from the Dataset, apply a predicate
// using the where() method, convert to an RDD, and show first 10
// RDD rows
val deviceEventsDS =$"device_name", $"cca3", $"c02_level").where($"c02_level" > 1300)
// convert to RDDs and take the first 10 rows
val eventsRDD = deviceEventsDS.rdd.take(10)
Bringing It All Together
In summation, the choice of when to use RDD or DataFrame and/or
Dataset seems obvious. While the former offers you low-level functionality and
control, the latter allows custom view and structure, offers high-level and
domain specific operations, saves space, and executes at superior speeds.
As we examined the lessons we learned from early releases of
Spark—how to simplify Spark for developers, how to optimize and make it
performant—we decided to elevate the low-level RDD APIs to a high-level
abstraction as DataFrame and Dataset and to build this unified data abstraction
across libraries atop Catalyst optimizer and Tungsten.
Pick one—DataFrames and/or Dataset or RDDs APIs—that meets your
needs and use-case, but I would not be surprised if you fall into the camp of
most developers who work with structure and semi-structured data.
What’s Next?
You can try the
Apache Spark 2.2 on Databricks and run this accompanying notebook.
You can also watch the Spark Summit presentation on A Tale of Three Apache
Spark APIs: RDDs vs DataFrames and Datasets
If you haven’t signed up yet, try Databricks now.
In the coming weeks, we’ll have a series of blogs on Structured Streaming.
Stay tuned.
Related Terms: